All Opportunities

Welcome to Alvin Community College scholarship Central!
We have hundreds of scholarships from the ACC Foundation, the college and independent donors.
How do I apply?
It is a three-step process.
• Sign in and complete your General Application. This is just to gather info. It does NOT actually apply to anything for you.
• Look at the scholarships or “Opportunities” currently available. They will show up under Opportunities>Recommended. Find one that is open and that applies to you and your major.
• Click “Apply To” each scholarship that you want to apply to and answer any extra questions, if there are any.

Note: NOT all scholarships will apply to you. Read the requirements. If you are a Psychology major, please don’t apply for a Nursing scholarship.

The General Application you completed will be kept until August of each year. You must complete a new General Application at the beginning of every Fall semester.

If you are asked to upload a transcript, letter, or anything else, please know that the system will not allow for punctuation.

Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) is not fully compatible with AcademicWorks. For optimal compatibility, sign in using any newer browser, for example: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.
Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
There are not any opportunities available.